On the Trail of a Mysterious, Pseudonymous Author

I love pseudonyms and the authors who hide behind them. “Hide” is probably not the right verb. The writer of this piece, Adam Dalva, had been receiving chapters of a very good novel from an anonymous novelist. After reading a few chapters, Dalva decided to search for the writer’s true identity and discovered that many other people in the literary world were also receiving the pseudonymous novel. Who is the mystery writer? Check out the story here.

trevino brings plenty

This electronica song by Trevino Brings Plenty is so awesome. It makes me wanna dance…except I’m too self-conscious to dance, even when I’m alone in front of my computer. And it also makes me self-conscious about my entire career…wait, how much do I market my melanin? Well, I’m only in the 75th percentile of Indian-darkness (I’m only the fourth-darkest Indian in my house!) so I think I’m having like a “25% OFF” sale on my melanin.

Also, the bird cry in this song is PERFECTLY hilarious.


A great Twitter thread by Amanda Knox about some of the logical fallacies that led to her wrongful conviction and continuing vilification.

Everything is alive

Everything is Alive is an amazing podcast where each episode features a fictional interview with an inanimate object. I hesitate to use the word “fictional” because the interviews are so real. This is a great thing going on here. Trust me.

Writing Space


My writing space isn’t even remotely as cool as the writing spaces of these 15 famous men. Link is here.