I’m always sorry that people ban my books. Many times I’ve been called the most banned. Many times my books are banned by people who never read two sentences.
— Maya Angelou
There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.
— Ray Bradbury
Having the freedom to read and the freedom to choose is one of the best gifts my parents ever gave me.
— Judy Blume
What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.
— Salman Rushdie
Censorship of anything, at any time, in any place, on whatever pretense, has always been and always will be the last resort of the boob and the bigot.
— Eugene O'Neill
Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?
— Joseph Welch

I didn’t know when I taped this video seven years ago that some people on the fundamentalist left would become as censoring as anybody on the fundamentalist right. My words here are directed at all book-banning zealots, no matter their politics.